United Utilities (UU) has recently concluded an instrumentation framework selection process and Process Instruments (UK) Limited (Pi) has been selected as sole supplier for Particle Counters, and Streaming Current Monitors and as a joint supplier for Dissolved Oxygen Monitors.
United Utilities Add CRONOS OxySense To Their Framework
Following a long and detailed process including the assessment of whole life costs, performance, quality, health and safety and environmental performance, UU have selected the CRONOS® OxySense DO meter to be on the framework. This will be a new instrument to United Utilities and Pi are looking forward to showing UU the benefits of the combination of the In-situ sensor and the Pi electronics.
In addition to a Dissolved Oxygen analyser, UU have also selected the Pi range of Particle Counters which include the FilterSense, a three size range, low cost, filter monitoring system to provide additional information to Turbidity meters on filter installations. Also in the range are the CounterSense and the ParticleSense, which are both more capable with multiple ranges and on board data loggers, and the PortaSense, a portable particle counter often used in trouble shooting filtration problems on plants without a fixed counter installation.
The StreamerSense Streaming Current Monitor, also selected by UU, is used by water treatment companies as part of their coagulation control philosophies and Pi is working with several water treatment companies to provide coagulation control systems, incorporating several measurands depending on the outcomes sought and the raw water chemistry.
To get more information about Pi’s range of analysers and monitors, visit our website or give us a call.