Kilva Water Treatment Works in County Cork, Ireland is the latest water treatment works to be fitted with the new TurbSense online turbidity monitor from Pi.
A simple to use probe design, the TurbSense can be fitted in tanks, in troughs and if required in flow cells, as is the case at Kilva. Although a probe design, the TurbSense outperforms its turbidity probe rivals due to its unique, patent applied for, signal processing technique. Click ‘How the TurbSense works‘ to have it explained.
The water being measured at Kilva has been pumped several miles and as such nucleating bubbles form within the flow cells (bypassing the internal debubbling). This is a problem common to all turbidity meters and has been overcome by automatically cleaning the sensors using the integral self cleaning mechanism. The TurbSense has a couple of ways of dealing with bubbles, explained in an easy to read Technical Note, Bubbles in Turbidity Measurements.
Tim Harte undertook the upgrade to the works on behalf of Irish Water installing, amongst other things, two large absolute filters to protect against Cryptosporidia, a water borne parasite.
In total five TurbSense were installed before and after these filters and prior to a UV disinfection plant.
For more information about Pi’s TurbSense turbidity monitor, please click here, or to discuss your application with one of our application specialists, please contact us.