Pi passes another milestone

In January 2017, Pi launched Version 3 of their instrument controllers and demand has continued to increase, allowing them to deliver accuracy, cost effectiveness and robust solutions to many distributors and customers across the world.
Pi’s range of instrument controllers is made up of the CRIUS® and CRONOS® multi-parameter analysers that can greatly reduce the cost per point of any measurand, without sacrificing the quality of those measurements.
The CRIUS® is Pi’s flagship controller and is fully Water 4.0 and Industry 4.0 ready. Expandable up to sixteen sensors, the CRIUS® has multiple digital comms options, wireless and wired internet access and full PID capability with remote setpoint, allowing users to monitor and manage sites with both flexibility and accuracy.
The CRONOS® is the little brother of the CRIUS® and is perfect for those wanting a no frills, lower cost controller. With the capability to control up to two sensors, optional comms packages and optional PID control are also available.
Combined with Pi’s range of sensors, including:
- The HaloSense Chlorine Analyser
- The SoliSense® Suspended Solids Monitor
- The TurbSense® Turbidity Meter and
- The OxySense Dissolved Oxygen Monitor
the CRIUS® and CRONOS® instrument controllers can cover all your requirements, whatever your application.
Contact Process Instruments today!
Pi’s controllers are Water 4.0 and Industry 4.0 ready. If you would like to discuss how our controllers can work in your application, please do not hesitate to contact a dedicated member of the Pi team today.