In 2009 Northern Ireland Water bought 334 residual chlorine analysers from Pi after a years trial of a range of chlorine monitors.
Pi Analysers Performing Above Expectations After 5 Years
Now five years later the analysers are providing NIW with low cost chlorine residual monitoring in both control and chlorine monitoring only applications in both water treatment plants and distribution locations across Northern Ireland.
Even after five years the CRIUS HaloSense chlorine analysers from Pi are outperforming their 3 specifications, particularly with regards to consumables costs with many of the 334 analysers having never needed a membrane replacement.
Mike Riding, Pi’s Managing Director said “it was a very significant moment in Pi’s history, receiving an order from NIW for 334 analysers in 2009 and since then Pi has gone from strength to strength. The trust NIW put in Pi and Pi’s residual chlorine analysers is greatly appreciated, and I am confident that we are repaying that trust with even lower operational costs than we forecast.”
In February of 2013, Pi has been awarded the contract to provide spares and services in support of the installed base of around 330 residual chlorine analysers across Northern Ireland.
To learn more about how Pi was able to achieve and exceed Northern Ireland Water’s requirements and expectations, do not hesitate to contact us today.