In February, Pi’s head office contact for Australia, Julius Guth, visited Bintech who have been Pi’s distributor in Australia for over 5 years.

Pi and Bintech supply products across Australia


Managing Director of Bintech, George Benca welcomed Julius to their office in Melbourne. They visited a number of customer sites together, meeting Bintech’s own customers in the process so that Pi could provide additional technical assistance and expertise.

The sites visited featured a variety of Pi equipment, including:

During his time with Bintech, Julius was given a taste of Australian culture including the local ‘Flake and Chips’, which comes from shark meat, and sights of the freely roaming kangaroos.

Julius also visited Turtle Tough, a company who specialise in mining and industrial wastewater applications. Turtle Tough use their own private label branding on the Pi analysers, which are supplied to them by Bintech. Whilst there, Turtle Tough’s General Manager, Brenton Ward invited Julius to a traditional Australian barbecue, an essential part of an Aussie summer.

When commenting about his trip, Julius said:

“It was an amazing experience to visit Australia. The projects discussed with Bintech and Turtle Tough will pave the way for our future relationships to flourish. We have been longstanding partners with Bintech, so it’s always good to visit them and provide assistance wherever we can.”

To see how Pi can support your organisation with our water analyser treatment solutions, check out our full range of process instrumentation now.

Or if you would like to learn more about our Australian distributor, head over to the Bintech website today.

Contact Process Instruments today!

Pi is proud to be recognised as a global provider of water analyser treatment solutions. If you would like to learn more about the leading services that we provide, please do not hesitate to contact a dedicated member of the Pi team today.

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