For many years, Pi has been servicing a Staiger Mohilo suspended solids analyser for Essity at their Stubbins Mill in Ramsbottom.

The analyser finally came to the end of its life measuring the solids on the Krofta outlet to ensure that Essity meet their water treatment goals.
The CRIUS® 4.0 Suspended Solids analyser from Pi was the perfect replacement for Tim Brown of Essity. Not only is it the perfect instrument for the job with it’s on-board integrated self-cleaning, but as the sensor is the same size as the sensor it was replacing there was no additional installation required.
Jonathan Cook of Process Instruments (Pi) said “The Staiger Mohilo, now E+H, sensor has done a great job over the years but when Essity needed to upgrade and replace the instrument the obvious choice is the SoliSense from Pi”. If you would like to learn more about Pi and its products, please visit: